
Coffee vs Tea – Some health facts

By ben sim


    •Protects against liver disease and some neurological ailments.

    •Contains antioxidants which help protect people from various health issues.

    •Good for the heart, and protects against Parkinson’s disease and Alzheimer’s disease.


    •Too much coffee may trigger heart problems, increase the risk of osteoporosis and lead to insomnia.

    •Too much caffeine can increase the risk of high blood pressure and abnormal heart rhythms.

    •Unfiltered coffee can increase cholesterol levels.

  • TEA


    •Lowers the risk of dementia, protects against cancer and helps prevent cardiovascular diseases.

    •Prevents cognitive decline, reduces stress and promotes psychological well-being.

    •Good for the heart. Green tea is linked to lower “bad” cholesterol and higher “good” cholesterol levels.

    •Promotes better dental health and weight loss.

    •Has high levels of antioxidants that are said to prevent cancer.


    •Both tea and coffee can reduce the body’s ability to absorb iron and certain osteoporosis medications.
