
Your Keyboard vs keyloggers

By ben sim

recently, it was revealed that that an audio driver installed on several HP laptops contained a feature that secretly recorded every keystroke entered into the computer.


what about if you are using on screen keyboards or bluetooth keyboards? this is what i discovered on google:

Wireless keyboards do encrypt their data, so in theory, the information should be safe, but the quality of the encryption can vary, based on the age of the keyboard and the vendor. In addition, the concept of  “in range” turns out to be much further than most people think, particularly for a thief with equipment dedicated and tuned to this purpose.

The good news is that your on-screen keyboard actually does protect you against these two specific types of keyboard-related threats. By using the on-screen keyboard, you’re bypassing those components of the keyboard hardware that could be compromised.

The bad news is that hardware-based keyloggers are rare. Much more common are software-based threats.


what you really need to do is get protected with anti-malware software. do note that running anti-virus alone is not good enough. that’s the way it is…