
Acquiring your router’s MAC address to know where you are located

By ben sim

Recently, i discovered that you can use Google geo-location service to find out the location of where you are accessing the internet from.

As this is absolutely intruding into your privacy, Google has stepped up and block this function.

But I believe they could be working with the authorities to track down criminals and not accessible to public.

My previous post stated that VPN is secure enough against the public eyes but definitely not good for the Authority to pry on you. MAC address is the physical layer linking the 2nd Layer of Data Link in the OSI model of how internet works. This is critical as it is this piece of information that Officials may know where you are physically.

My recommendation is to spoof the MAC address of your router and computer, and connect to a VPN, this way both your physical and Transport layer are being protected.

Note that this is my own research so far, and I believe that even with the above, you are still traceable once connected to the internet. It will only create hassle for them and takes more time than usual to track you down. *This information is by no means of assisting criminals in their illegal activities on the internet,* it’s solely for penny for a thought.

If you are keen to know more, Google for it! cheers and great day ahead!
