
about Internet Brigade from Internal Security

By ben sim

Singapore is a small country and that is why the government wants to have control over every single thing. I can understand the motive, however…
so what is IBIS? not your local ibis hotel😁 but
stands for internet Brigade Internal Security.
Please be mindful that the existence of legitimate or infamous internet forums that you visit in
Singapore is mended by IBIS. These forums are actually honey pots used to fish for disgruntled
citizens or external threats!
The reason why I decided to expose them is that the quality of the supposedly righteous characters
loitering in such forums is of uneven mind. If they are doing a good professional job, I will leave them alone but their actions are mostly driven by unevenness within them.
please note that as Singapore is a very diverse nation, so is the IBIS. #security #singapore

My experience tells me that every country has a watchdog over any of their internet gathering.

I think it is ok as long as they are professional.