
a little on australia, the pandemic

By ben sim

most aussies do not like to hear the hard truths but this oz senator just spoke nothing but the tooth! i think he is a spot on in the current situation! his words actually implied what the world will look like in the coming future. #health#australia#awareness

… that vaccinations are no silver bullet for Australian society to return to normal and has called on political leaders to be “upfront” and tell Australians they need to “live with the virus.”
“So, at the 35-day mark, the lockdowns had cost $5.3 billion to avoid 4,000 coronavirus cases,” he said.
“We are spending $1.3 million to avoid each and every coronavirus case. That is $1.3 million for each case—not a fatality, not an admission to an ICU ward, but for each case.”
“We do not apply that in any other public policy issue,” Canavan said.
“Twenty-two thousand Australians a year die from smoking, 5,000 die from alcohol, and around 1,000 die on our roads. We do not ban these things; we live with them.”