
so what is the deal with “gurus” who predict correctly the rise and fall of market indexes?

By ben sim

*some thoughts on financial gurus…*
so what is the deal with “gurus” who predict correctly the rise and fall of market indexes?
these “gurus” probably spent much time analysing the fundamental and technicality of the indexes.
if they are vested in the market, they probably will feel the excitement, and chances are that they will
spend most of their time glued to the computer screen monitoring the performance of their investments.
sorry to say that this is dumb and not productive at all! besides, “gurus” are only able to tell correctly one
out of five, the rest are not mentioned cos’ they are not sure either?! the correct guess that they made is usually the one that is obvious and easier to comprehend. my point is that there are no gurus! those who exclaimed on social media
and are fascinated with their own correct guess of the up and down of indexes are actually lame ducks.