
How do I use my facebook and Linkedin?

By ben sim

Facebook is a less serious kind of leisure in the social media era, at times, will pen my thoughts against others especially in politics. Venting of my uneven encounter in the past is also seen often as I am an uneven man! Use of a moniker instead of a real photo as I don’t quite trust facebook. Flaming from left right and centre, all are welcome! I also like to support people who have fallen from the sky. one fight a day on facebook keeps my mind active, always like to attack sheep mentality. Muahaha…
Linkedin is for my professional development. No use of obscene words and voicing my own thoughts is a way of challenging the conventional way of groupthink. Technology is my core interest and sharing of techie information is my fort in LinkedIn.

all my doings are a way of opening my own mind and hopefully enhancing the intelligence of others, or probably, they already knew in their heart but are just too terrified to say the right things.

Time spent on social media a day, including on and off intervals, probably three hours daily. so much said, these are my own personal opinion and they can be right or wrong. flaming welcome…:)